Category: Big Picture

  • Denying Potential 3rd Party Culpability

    “The RSD Central Homicide Unit has a reputation for tunnel vision.  Once they settle on a suspect, not even contrary facts will dissuade them”  –  Former Indio Homicide Detective  In a pretrial hearing, a few months before the Pinyon Pines Murders trial was to start, a series of guidelines were being established about how the…

  • A Heinous Crime – with No Motive?

    It was a brutal murder. Inhuman. Monstrous. Execution at point blank range. Setting three bodies on fire. Raging hatred. Why? There had to be a motive. Why would two young men with bright futures, throw their lives away without a motive?

  • How the Pinyon Pines Jury made a Horrible Mistake

    Our Justice system has many moving parts. There are many technical and ethical standards, and they require strict adherence.  The last line of adherence is the jury. They are given the power to right the wrongs made along the way. But what if they, too, don’t adhere to the standards set out for them…